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Fourth Thursday evening each month

7 PM - 9 PM 


Fourth Saturday morning each month 

10 AM -12 PM


The Sozo offered at Open Door Healing Rooms is an inner healing and gentle deliverance ministry.  The goal is to help people be freed up in their personal and spiritual life by addressing the root causes that are hindering their personal and spiritual development.  Once these barriers are removed the person will notice an improvement in the quality of their lives and they will find new joy and liberty.


The session is confidential and private.  A session will be booked for up to 2 hours if required.  The ultimate goal is to connect individuals with the Godhead and give them tools to maintain their freedom.  Sozo is not a counselling session nor designed as a long term ongoing ministry.  In some cases individuals may require more than one session.


Sozo helps those struggling with deeply rooted issues, for example: forgiveness, anger, bitterness, worry, anxiety.


Cost: there is a suggested donation for the first Sozo session.  If an individual feels a need to come back for a further session the suggested donation is half.  Honorariums can be donated at the time of your session and placed in an envelope and you will receive an income tax receipt at year end.


Sozo is offerred by appointment only, at the Healing Rooms 4685 Marine Ave.


Please email us to book your Sozo session.


To find out more, please drop in and visit us at the Healing Rooms on Marine Avenue.


© 2016 by Open Door Healing Rooms. All rights reserved.

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